Our Perspective:

The result after more than 30 years of climate crisis is a story of failure, and the voices of the people are being ignored.

The climate crisis is a global challenge that requires global solutions.

Nevertheless, 34 years after the Kyoto Protocol, no country or international alliance has introduced or even discussed legislation that meets the challenges of the impending collapse of our global climate system.

This status quo is unacceptable, not only with regard to future generations.

The Problem is Systematic

Given the different political systems worldwide, it is clear: this is not a problem of individual countries, parties, or people, but a systemic dilemma.

Globalization Beats National Legislation

In a world where markets and companies operate globally, national legislations automatically reach their limits.

Although leading research institutions have long been suggesting that meaningful responses to the climate crisis are possible and that action is urgently needed, the political and systemic barriers have not been successfully overcome anywhere.

The greatest respect for individual action, but a legal guardrail is a must.

Even companies led by visionary leaders cannot offer quick, globally effective solutions, as they must compete within existing legal and economic frameworks.

Individual committed individuals, despite their efforts, have too little influence and resources to make a significant difference.

The climate crisis is global - companies operate globally - humanity's decision must also be global.

Since there is no way to initiate laws globally, we have designed OneLaw (Introduction) as a law that enables national legislation while simultaneously acting like a global law.

OneLaw.Earth is the platform where national decisions are globally prepared.

A True Decision Requires Freedom

Even though OneLaw.Earth was created with the goal of implementing OneLaw, we are firmly convinced that only humanity as a whole may make a decision of such magnitude.

This not only means that everyone, whether they support or oppose OneLaw, is respected and their voice is welcomed, but also that we see the exchange of opinions as an essential part of the democratic process.

To promote this exchange, we have set up the Forum.

Democratic Dialogue Requires Respect

It is a balancing act to enable open discussion while identifying and handling the abuse of the platform accordingly.

Besides the obvious aspects that on OneLaw.Earth

  • discussion should focus on the issue and not on the person,
  • facts must withstand scientific scrutiny and opinions must be clearly identified as such, and
  • it must be clear with every post which real person or organization is responsible for it.

a higher set of values is needed in case decisions are necessary in the future.

As a higher set of values, we recognize the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for ourselves.

About Us

Non-Profit and Neutrality as Key

We are a group of people who want to take responsibility and do the right thing.

We believe that a project like this:

  • must not be vulnerable to economic interests,
  • must not be brought into conflicts due to closeness to institutions, companies, or individuals that could harm the mission, and
  • must ensure the highest level of transparency in all activities.

The next goal is therefore the founding of a non-profit organization that is primarily financed by donations and ensures that these principles are adhered to under the "Good by design" approach.

Status Quo

The founding of this organization is still in the future. First, it must be determined whether enough people support this mission. If we see in people's responses that a global vote on OneLaw is achievable, we will push forward the founding and financing of the organization. Our first goal is to get 1,000 votes during the non-public preview.

This means:

If enough people like the idea of OneLaw and cast their vote on OneLaw.Earth, we will establish the corresponding organization.

Until then, we are just a few people who don't want to sit around and watch the more than 30-year-long slow-motion accident any longer. That's why we created this website and we celebrate everyone who supports us here with their vote or even beyond.

In diesem Sinne: